
Stephen Paul

Stephen Paul recently retired as Director of the Centre for Psychological Therapies at Leeds Metropolitan University. He is a psychotherapist with over 30 years of practitioner experience and was previously Head of a  therapeutic school for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties. He has studied extensively in the areas of…

C H ‘Pat’ Patterson

Professor Cecil Holden Patterson, who died aged 93 on May 26, 2006, was one of the great evangelists of the client-centred/person-centred approach to psychotherapy and human relations originated by Carl Rogers. His obituary, which will be published in the forthcoming issue of Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, will be available as a link…

Richard C Page

Richard C. Page, PhD, is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Georgia, Athens, USA and a Visiting Professor at ISMAI University, Porto, Portugal. He received two Fulbright Scholarships which were spent at the Department of Applied Psychology, University College, Cork, Ireland and is a former Chair of the National…

Craig Newnes

Craig Newnes is editor of The Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy (formerly Changes), and a commissioning editor and author for our Critical Psychology series. Prior to his retirement he was Director of Psychological Therapies for Shropshire. He has a life time commitment to the NHS and is an…

Mary Beth Napier

I am a clinical psychologist, supervisor of therapy students, teacher and conduct neuropsychological assessments. In each of these areas, feminism and client-centered principles guide my actions and attitudes towards others. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to add writer and editor to the list of activities that give me…

Peggy Natiello

Peggy Natiello is a psychotherapist in private practice and an organisational consultant. She has worked with graduate students in major universities for over 20 years. With Carl Rogers and others, she founded The Indepth Training Program for the Person-Centered Approach in 1980 and continues training in a different format in Northern Arizona.…

Roy Moodley

Roy Moodley was born and raised in South Africa, but spent just as many years in England. He now lives and works in Toronto, Canada as a university teacher and researcher. He has co-edited Carl Rogers Counsels a Black Client and Counseling across the Cultural Divide: A Clemmont Vontress Reader,…

Joanna Moncrieff

Joanna Moncrieff is a Professor of Critical and Social Psychiatry at University College London, and works as a consultant psychiatrist at the North East London Foundation Trust. She has always been uneasy about the use of drugs in psychiatry, and the associated idea that mental disorders are equivalent to medical…

Tony Merry

Tony Merry (1948–2004) was Reader in Psychology at the University of East London and taught on postgraduate and undergraduate courses in counselling and counselling psychology. He was author of several books and articles on counselling, including Learning and Being in Person-Centred Counselling — see below. He co-founded the British Association…

Alec McHoul

Alec McHoul is Professor of Communication and Cultural Studies at Murdoch University. He has published in the areas of discourse analysis, cultural theory, literary studies and technology. His books include How to Analyse Talk in Institutional Settings (Continuum; edited with Mark Rapley); Popular Culture and Everyday Life (Sage; with Toby…