
Lucy King

Dr Lucy King trained as a biologist, but after several years of research abandoned the laboratory and microscope and turned to a more directly people-focused occupation. She trained as a psychotherapist with the Philadelphia Association and remains closely involved with its teaching programme. She lives in Cambridge, where she has…

Georgina Wakefield

Georgina Wakefield is a media volunteer for Rethink and has helped them with many projects including their anti-stigma campaign. Anyone who hears Georgie speak or reads her books cannot help be moved by her passion to improve services for all carers and users and raise awareness of some of the…

Dirk Corstens

Dirk Corstens is a social psychiatrist and psychotherapist working in community mental health services in Maastricht. He has worked with Marius Romme and Sandra Escher since 1992, and now leads a treatment facility for voice hearers in Maastricht. Dirk is also preparing a PhD on courses for voice hearers and professionals,…

Jacqui Dillon

Jacqui Dillon is a respected speaker, writer and activist, and has lectured and published worldwide on trauma, psychosis, dissociation and recovery. Jacqui is the national Chair of the Hearing Voices Network in England, Honorary Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at the University of East London, Honorary Research Fellow in the School…

Kay Inckle

Dr Kay Inckle is a course convener in the sociology of health and medicine at the London School of Economics and Political Science. For a number of years she worked as a service-provider in a range of health and social care contexts supporting both adults and young people, and these…

Sandra Escher

Sandra Escher, MPhil, PhD, was a science journalist and worked as a senior researcher at the University of Maastricht, focusing on children hearing voices. She is now an Honorary Research Fellow at the Centre for Community Mental Health, Birmingham City University.

Marius Romme

Marius Romme MD, PhD, was Professor of Social Psychiatry at the Medical Faculty of the University of Maastrict. He is now a Visiting Professor at the Centre for Community Mental Health, Birmingham City University. Together with Dr. Escher they focussed their research on the experience of hearing voices. This led…

John Read

Dr. John Read worked in the UK and USA for 20 years as a Clinical Psychologist and manager of mental health services. He joined the University of Auckland, New Zealand in 1994, where he became Director of the Clinical Psychology doctoral training programme. He held the same position at the University of…

Peter Beresford

Peter Beresford OBE is a long-term user of mental health servicse and Co-Chair of Shaping our Lives, the national independent service user-controlled organisation and network. He is also Visiting Professor at the University of East Anglia. He has a longstanding involvement in issues of participation and empowerment as writer, researcher,…