
Roger Kingerlee

Dr Roger Kingerlee was educated at the Universities of Oxford, Berlin, Hamburg and East Anglia, and is now a practising chartered clinical psychologist in Norfolk. He helps people address their psychological issues using cognitive analytic therapy (CAT), cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), eye movement desensiitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and mindfulness meditation…

Anne Kearney

Anne Kearney was a freelance counsellor, supervisor and trainer. She spent many years teaching psychology and sociology in various settings from universities to further education and adult education centres. She developed a range of courses for adults returning to education as well as providing training for people wanting to develop…

Richard House

Richard House Ph.D., C.Psychol. is Senior Lecturer in Education Studies (Early Childhood) at the University of Winchester, and was previously Senior Lecturer in Psychotherapy and Counselling in the Research Centre for Therapeutic Education, University of Roehampton, between 2005 and 2012. A trained counsellor and psychotherapist and a therapy practitioner since 1990,…

Stephen Joseph

Stephen Joseph PhD is at the University of Nottingham, where he is Professor of Psychology, Health and Social Care and the Convenor of the Counselling and Psychotherapy Cluster in the School of Education. He is an HCPC-registered health and counselling psychologist and Senior Practitioner member of the British Psychological Society…

Jay Joseph

Jay Joseph, PsyD, is a licensed clinical psychologist practising in the San Francisco Bay Area of California. Since 1998, his articles on genetic research in psychiatry and psychology have appeared in journals such as Developmental Review; The American Journal of Psychology; Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs; Politics and the Life…

Rick Hughes

Rick Hughes qualified as a counsellor in 1996, at the University of Strathclyde under Professor Dave Mearns, who also awarded him an Honorary Research Fellowship for his MPhil. He has worked across a wide range of counselling settings, including private practice, NHS primary care, NHS secondary care, higher education, employee assistance…

Jan Hawkins

Jan Hawkins integrates 28 years experience of counselling and her 37 years’ experience as a mother of a person with learning difficulties into her book Voices of the Voiceless. Jan is a person-centred therapist, supervisor and trainer, and also has a private practice in London.

Guy Holmes

Guy Holmes worked in the NHS as a clinical psychologist in Shropshire. He published over 50 academic articles in areas as diverse as: the medicalisation of distress, psychiatric medication, patients' councils, service users' experiences of and views on mental health services, sexual abuse of males, community psychology, and various aspects of…

Sheila Haugh

Sheila Haugh is a client-centred therapist, supervisor, and trainer with 25 years experience. She is a UK Council for Psychotherapy Registered Psychotherapist and teaches a Masters level programme in Contemporary Person-Centred Psychotherapy and Applications. She is a former Convenor for the British Association for the Person-Centred Approach (BAPCA) and a former…