
Judy Moore

Judy Moore trained as a person-centred counsellor in the mid 1980s and taught on the postgraduate diploma in person-centred counselling at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, for many years.  She became Director of the University Counselling Service in 1998 and also became Director of the Centre for Counselling Studies,…

Beryl Malcolm

Beryl Malcolm works in a Child/Adolescent Mental Health Team, as well as  supervising trainee play therapists. Her background and training are in teaching, counselling and Play Therapy. She is particularly interested in ethnicity issues in cousnelling/psychotherapy, and her MA research focused on race and culture in child…

John K Wood

John K.Wood PhD (1934 - 2004) completed successful careers in engineering and psychology. Together with friend and colleague Carl R. Rogers, he made significant theoretical contributions to the school of Humanistic Psychology. In the last 20 years of his life he dedicated himself to an interdisciplinary studies project at the Estâ…

Dagmar Hölldampf

Dagmar Nuding (former Hölldampf) works a lecturer and researcher at the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany. Her main research topic is the effectiveness of person-centered and experiential therapy and counselling with children and adolescents. As lecturer she is involved in the training of…

Richard Worsley

Richard Worsley has worked for a number of years as a person-centred counsellor, supervisor and trainer. He is also an Anglican priest. He has a particular interests in process in therapy, in spirituality, in philosophy and therapy, and in therapeutic groups. Richard worked for ten years at the University of…

Gill Wyatt

Gill Wyatt has been involved with the Person-Centred Approach for over 20 years. She worked as a psychotherapist, supervisor, and tutor on postgraduate and under-graduate courses. Currently she is a facilitator of social structures and processes in the service of emergence and synergy.

David Webb

In 2006 David Webb completed the world’s first PhD on suicide by someone who has attempted it. Prior to his PhD David worked in the computer industry as a software developer and university lecturer. He has been a board member of the World Network of Users and Survivors of…

Margaret Warner

Margaret Warner, PhD, is a client-centered teacher and theorist who has written extensively about client-centered therapy with clients with more serious psychological disorders and on client-centered theory as it relates to other disciplines in clinical psychology and the behavioral sciences. She trained in client-centered therapy at the Chicago Counseling Center,…