
David Webb

In 2006 David Webb completed the world’s first PhD on suicide by someone who has attempted it. Prior to his PhD David worked in the computer industry as a software developer and university lecturer. He has been a board member of the World Network of Users and Survivors of…

Margaret Warner

Margaret Warner, PhD, is a client-centered teacher and theorist who has written extensively about client-centered therapy with clients with more serious psychological disorders and on client-centered theory as it relates to other disciplines in clinical psychology and the behavioral sciences. She trained in client-centered therapy at the Chicago Counseling Center,…

Jeanne Watson

Jeanne Watson is Professor at OISE at the University of Toronto, Canada.  A major exponent of humanistic-experiential psychotherapy, she has contributed to the development of Emotion Focused Psychotherapy, the process experiential approach. Dr. Watson teaches and conducts research on the process and outcome of Emotion Focused Psychotherapy and has…

Mike Worrall

Mike Worrall read English at Oxford, worked for the Probation Service and trained in the person-centred approach at The Metanoia Institute in London. He works in independent practice in Oxford, and is an occasional trainer at Temenos in Sheffield.

Paul Wilkins

 I am an academic and therapist deeply committed to the person-centred approach about which I have written papers, chapters and books. My doctoral study was concerned with what it means to be person-centred and I am currently as much interested in how to be person-centred as a researcher as…

Sam Warner

Sam works as a freelance consultant clinical psychologist, trainer, therapist, and expert witness, and was a Research Fellow at Manchester Metropolitan University for over 15 years. She specialises in work around child sexual abuse, within community and secure care services with children, adolescents, (and their parents) and adults. Her books include…

Tracey Walshaw

Tracey Walshaw writes: I am a passionate, idiosyncratic and humanly flawed person-centred practitioner, trainer and artist. Play and creativity are at the centre of my being and practice which is probably why I am so attracted to working with children and young people. As well as being an independent counsellor…

Keith Tudor

Keith Tudor is Professor of Psychotherapy at Auckland University of Technology, an Honorary Senior Research Fellow of the University of Roehampton and a Fellow of The Critical Institute, with a long and varied career in the psychotherapy profession as a practitioner, teacher, supervisor and academic. He trained originally in gestalt…

Dion Van Werde

Dion Van Werde is a psychologist with a postgraduate specialisation in Client-Centered/Experiential Psychotherapy (K. U. Leuven). He is Pre-Therapy Staff Fellow of the Chicago Counseling and Psychotherapy Center, USA. He is coordinator of the Pre-Therapy International Network, based at Psychiatrisch Ziekenhuis, St Camillus, Gent, Belgium, where he uses Pre-Therapy…

Brian Thorne

Brian Thorne is Co-founder of the Norwich Centre for Personal, Professional and Spiritual Development. A retired counsellor and psychotherapist, he is Emeritus Professor of Counselling at the University of East Anglia, Norwich and a former Professor of Education in the College of Teachers. He is the author or editor of 19…