
Tamsin Walker (Illustrator)

Tamsin has considerable personal and professional experience of self-harm and currently works for a Mental Health Charity in Calderdale, West Yorkshire. Her job often involves working with children and young people and raising awareness about mental health and wellbeing. Tamsin is the author of and illustrator of Not Ready…

Clare Shaw

With a wealth of personal experience of self-harm, Clare Shaw  is one of the UK's most prominent and authoritative voices on this issue. She is also 'one of Britain's most powerful and dynamic young poets' (Arvon Foundation); widely published and anthologised, and with two collections published by…

Courtenay Young

Courtenay Young is a well-known Body Psychotherapist, who has been practicing for over 30 years. He currently lives in Edinburgh, UK, working both in the National Health Service and privately as a counsellor and psychotherapist. He has been heavily engaged for over 20 years in the professional politics of psychotherapy and in…

Theodor Itten

Theodor Itten is a Psychotherapist UKCP and Clinical Psychologist MBPS in private practice. He was an apprentice of psychoanalyst R.D. Laing and a student of Social Anthropologist Francis Huxley. From 1972–1981, was educated in Social Science, Psychology, Anthropology and Philosophy in the UK (Middlesex University and City University) and…

Humair Yusuf

Humair Yusuf, Ed.D. (candidate) in Counseling Psychology at the University of Toronto. His research and publications include representations of illness, indigenous healing and spirituality in counseling and psychotherapy. Humair is the publications editor for the Centre for Diversity in Counselling and Psychotherapy (CDCP).

Lawrence Epp

Lawrence R. Epp, Ed.D., was the last graduate assistant, 1995-1997, of Clemmont Vontress, Ph.D. at the George Washington University. He was the co-author with Clemmont Vontress and Jake Johnson of the popular cross-cultural casebook, Cross-Cultural Counseling: A Case Book. He has served as the President of several state…

Rhena Branch

Rhena Branch is an accredited CBT therapist with her own private practice. She teaches and supervises on the MSc course for REBT and CBT at Goldsmith's, University of London. 

Bernie Neville

Bernie Neville was introduced to counselling as an untrained school counsellor in the 1960s.  He soon discovered Carl Rogers and the person-centered approach and this has framed his approach to both education and counselling ever since. As a university teacher in both of these fields he has had a…

Richard Bentall

Richard Bentall is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Liverpool, having previously held chairs in the Universities of Bangor and Manchester. He has carried out research on the causes and treatment of severe psychiatric problems for over 20 years. He is the author of the much acclaimed Madness…

Mervyn Morris

Mervyn Morris is Professor of Community Mental Health and Director of the Centre for Community Mental Health at Birmingham City University, focusing on service redesign and developing alternative approaches through user expertise, particularly in the area of psychosis. He has run a practice-based univeristy-accredited training course on the accepting voices…