Rick Hughes qualified as a counsellor in 1996, at the University of Strathclyde under Professor Dave Mearns, who also awarded him an Honorary Research Fellowship for his MPhil. He has worked across a wide range of counselling settings, including private practice, NHS primary care, NHS secondary care, higher education, employee assistance programmes and workplace settings, as well as being a coach and mentor. He is currently editor of the BACP University & College Counselling journal, a self-employed writer, BACP-accredited counsellor, coach and wellbeing consultant. Previously he was Head of Service at the University of Aberdeen Counselling Service, Lead Advisor: Workplace with BACP and editor of the BACP Workplace journal. He has published widely, including books on stress, trauma, people-support and wellbeing.
A counselling qualification can open doors to a wealth of career opportunities in a wide choice of specialist settings. But for the newly qualified practitioner, or those considering a change of pathway, there is little guidance to help them decide their next step. In this comprehensive book, Rick Hughes has gathered together leading practitioners and experts in their fields from…
This title will be printed and dispatched directly from our print-on-demand supplier. Your book will be delivered within 7 working days. This book could be described as a rough guide to person-centred training. A book borne out of personal experience in more ways than one, this volume started life as an idea in a person-centred training group. Laura Buchanan and Rick…