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The Counselling Primer series from PCCS Books, supplementary to the bestselling Steps in Counselling series, is suitable for both beginners and higher-level students who want a succinct boost to their knowledge of a particular area. Beginners will find the style companionable and reassuring, while more advanced readers will appreciate the…
The new Counselling Primer series from PCCS Books, supplementary to the bestselling Steps in Counselling series, is suitable for both beginners and higher level students who want a succinct boost to their knowledge of a particular area. Beginners will find the style companionable and reassuring, while more advanced readers will…
This title will be printed and dispatched directly from our print-on-demand supplier. Your book will be delivered within 7 working days. This book could be described as a rough guide to person-centred training. A book borne out of personal experience in more ways than one, this volume started life as an…