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John Barton used to live in the non-disabled world. Then he developed symptoms of an obscure inherited condition that affected his mobility, closely followed by Parkinson's disease. And suddenly he found himself propelled into the kingdom of the disabled. There are two worlds, he writes: 'In one lies power,…
If psychology is seriously to address the despair and anguish that increasingly afflict us all, it needs to develop 'outsight'. It needs to stop looking inside the head of each troubled individual that seeks its help and turn its gaze outwards. The causes of distress are not to be found…
This book is for anyone who knows, loves, is baffled by, or wants to help someone who is, has been, or is going to be 16. Sixteen is where anything can happen and often does; the eye of the storm of adolescence, filled with demands, challenges, turbulence and passion. This book…
The lives of our clients are the best they've been able to imagine. The ImageWork approach offers a wonderful invitation to learn to imagine better.' So writes Dr Dina Glouberman, author of the bestselling The Joy of Burnout, in this powerful new book about the…
Do you need your psychiatric diagnosis? This book will help you decide. In this second, updated edition of a best-selling title, Lucy Johnstone revisits the revolution that is underway in mental health. No one doubts that people’s distress is very real – but …
This collection of chapters casts a critical eye on the concept of coproduction in our national mental health and learning disability services. Is it naive idealism? A one-way road to co-optioning the independent user/survivor movement? A major challenge to the hegemony of the psychiatric profession? The next progressive step…
Freshly updated, this contribution to the PCCS Books popular 'Primer' series is written by one of the UK's leading authorities on focusing-oriented counselling. Developed by Eugene Gendlin from Carl Rogers' pioneering model of person-centred counselling at the University of Chicago Counseling Center in the 1950s, focusing-oriented counselling can be…
Cognitive behaviour therapy is arguably the most well-known, most widely used and most accessible form of talking therapy in the Western world. It has been adopted by the NHS as the mainstay of its IAPT primary care therapy programme. It converts readily and successfully into online formats and self-help programmes.…
This latest addition to the PCCS Books Primers in Counselling series offers a concise introduction to rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT). Devised by Albert Ellis in 1955, and subsequently further developed and refined, REBT is based on the principle that ‘People are not disturbed by the adversities that they face.…
In today’s Western, industrialised society, ‘wild’ has come to mean dangerous, savage, crazy, out of control. This book celebrates wildness, both in global ecosystems and in the human psyche. Totton argues that embracing unpredictability and boundlessness is vital for our wellbeing and, in these times of…
We are not able to supply this book to the United States. A US edition is available. Available in the UK for the first time in paperback, this 2007 second edition of Howard Kirschenbaum's biography of Carl Rogers extends to over 700 pages and includes a more detailed personal and…
Hearing voices, seeing visions and similar out-of-the-ordinary experiences have long intrigued and mystified humankind. The dominant scientific and medical understandings of these phenomena tend to problematise them. This ground-breaking book builds on the work of the Hearing Voices Movement and of the researchers Marius Romme and Sandra Escher in challenging…