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An expanded and updated second edition of Person-Centred Psychopathology First published in 2005, and now extensively updated and with a new title, The Handbook of Person-Centred Therapy and Mental Health challenges the use of psychiatric diagnoses and makes a powerful case for the effectiveness of person-centred approaches as the alternative way…
This book is an essential resource for anyone who has a supporting role or relationship with someone who hurts themself, whether in a professional or informal context. It is also a useful resource for people who self-injure, to help them to explore their experiences and to keep themselves safe. Based…
Every child is born with innate wisdom; the role of adults – parents, educators, social workers and policy makers – is to nurture this wisdom and enable it to flourish. This is the belief that underpins this extraordinary book. Barbara and Heather Williams have drawn on the work of…
Download Brenda A LeFrançois foreword here If you are unwaged or on an insecure wage you can buy this book for £11.50. Enter the code 'srgspecial' at the checkout or phone us on +44 (0)1600 891509 to place your order. Postage will be free in the UK, £2.50 within the EU…
For students beginning to think about their future in the workplace, a school-based counselling post is likely to be a popular consideration. Policy agendas and funding streams indicate an increased commitment to the mental health of our young people, and the school setting is an obvious place to meet those…
Edited by Craig Newnes,Children in Society: politics. policies and interventions critically investigates the place of children and families in society and the socio-cultural influences affecting children, families and children's services. Contributions from well-respected practitioners and academics provide perspectives on constructing childhood, children and austerity, childhood sexual exploitation,…
Therapist Limits in Person-Centred Therapy by Lisbeth Sommerbeck addresses the moment at which therapy becomes difficult due to therapist limits. These could be limits in experience, contextual limits, ethical limits or limit-setting, all of which are issues frequently brought to supervision. Although such dilemas are frequently experienced there is very…
Tales from the Madhouse by Gary Sidley provides critiques of psychiatric practice that are powerfully backed up by moving, and at times disturbing, stories taken from his long years of practice as a mental health professional. Sidley strongly suggests that current psychiatric practices are based on pseudo-scientific assumptions that…
The organisational subscription is available as a paper copy, or electronically as a pdf. Asylum Magazine is published 4 times a year and is a forum for free and open debate about controversial issues in mental health and psychiatry. It is a place for the discussion of experience and ideas,…
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Asylum Magazine is published 4 times a year and is a forum for free and open debate about controversial issues in mental health and psychiatry. It is a place for the discussion of experience and ideas, and for campaigning for humane and democratic alternatives to traditional psychiatry. As a not-for-profit publication…
Sexuality is a fascinating phenomenon. Familiar to us all, it pervades the personal, social and cultural areas of life; it also remains an elusive and confusing aspect of our existence. Within a range of disciplines, gender studies, psychology, psychoanalysis and sociology to name but a few, great strides have been…