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This book presents accounts of the practice of the person-centred approach (PCA) with people suffering from a range of severe and enduring conditions. Comprehensively refuting the notion that person-centred therapy is suitable only for the 'worried well', it backs up contemporary practice with appropriate theory. For students, academic and professional…
This book examines the central role of contexts in understanding psychosis and distress. The contexts in which we all exist, historical, cultural, social, political, economic and interpersonal, shape and give meaning to our lives for good or for bad. Scientific research confirms how contexts of adversity such as trauma, abuse,…
Each of us sets the psychological climate in which others live, no matter what our age, gender or cultural background. Given our tendancy to treat others and ourselves mindlessly, Kingerlee says in this part-self-help book, part-confession, part-polemic for compassion, it may be wise for us to step back — even…
This book uncovers normative assumptions, practices and discourses as central to the production of difference which manifests as gender and sexual inequality and other forms of disadvantage and discrimination in health and healthcare. The strength of these perspectives is in critiquing the increasing power of biomedical sciences in order to…
Article by Bruce Scott published in Common Space. '...austerity causes distress, but please do not call it exacerbating existing 'mental illness'. Read full article here In this book Bruce Scott presents one of the very few pieces of research carried out with people who have been residents of the Philadelphia…
This title will be printed and dispatched directly from our print-on-demand supplier. Your book will be delivered within 7 working days. Any theory is only as strong as its capacity to withstand sustained critical examination. The practice of critique must, therefore, form the basis of both good academic work and…
Clinical Supervision Made Easy is a practical book for supervisors and supervisees that offers the 3–Step Method as a guide to effective supervision. This method is not linked to any particular theoretical orientation or philosophy, so it can be applied in any helping context irrespective of the profession of…
The ‘Our Encounters with…’ series collect together unmediated, unsanitised narratives by service-users, past service-users and carers. These stories of direct experience will be of great benefit to those interested in narrative enquiry, and to those studying and practising in the field of mental health. This collection brings…
The ‘Our Encounters with…’ series collect together unmediated, unsanitised narratives by service-users, past service-users and carers and survivors. These stories of direct experience will be of great benefit to those interested in narrative enquiry, and to those studying and practising in the field of mental health. The…
This book has replaced Children Hearing Voices. The content remains unchanged. Listen to and interview with Rachel Waddingham, a contributor to the book who works with children hearing voices: http://bit.ly/YjA9my Young People Hearing Voices is a unique, innovative book providing support and practical solutions for…
Any theory is only as strong as its capacity to withstand sustained critical examination. The practice of critique must, therefore, form the basis of both good academic work and thoughtful clinical practice. This new series of ‘Critical Examinations’ looks at the claims of Psychology and various…
Contributors include Peter Beresford, Mary Boyle, John Cromby, Jacqui Dillon, Dave Harper, Eleanor Longden, Midlands Psychology group, Joanna Moncrieff, David Pilgrim, Phil Thomas and Jan Wallcraft. This book contests how both society and Mental Health Services conceptualise and respond to madness. Despite sustained criticisms from academia, survivor groups and…