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Only available to customers in the UK. In a Victorian-era German asylum, seamstress Agnes Richter painstakingly stitched a mysterious autobiographical text into every inch of the jacket she created from her institutional uniform. Despite every attempt to silence them, hundreds of other patients have managed to get their stories out,…
The Person-Centred Counselling Primer by popular author Pete Sanders is the first in the series, comprising 120 pages of essential information in Sanders’ approachable and encouraging style. This book presents an unparalleled, comprehensive description of person-centred counselling in the twenty-first century. Personality theory, motivation, therapy theory, non-directivity and the process…
Human distress is sometimes thought of as ‘psychopathology’, a thing separate to the person, that affects people; a thing that can be diagnosed, treated and hopefully cured. This mindset leads psychiatrists, psychologists and other therapists to develop ‘evidence bases’ for specific ‘disorders’ and manualised…
Carl Rogers' Therapeutic Conditions: Evolution, Theory and Practice traces the evolution and application of Carl Rogers' necessary and sufficient therapeutic conditions from 1957 to the present day. All four books from the series should be carefully considered by serious followers of the person-centred approach. While in the past few decades there…
Carl Rogers' Therapeutic Conditions: Evolution, Theory and Practice traces the evolution and application of Carl Rogers' necessary and sufficient therapeutic conditions from 1957 to the present day. Volume 4: Contact and Perception. Understudied to the point of being ignored, conditions one and six of Carl Rogers' Necessary and Sufficient' conditions are given…
Carl Rogers' Therapeutic Conditions: Evolution, Theory and Practice traces the evolution and application of Carl Rogers' necessary and sufficient therapeutic conditions from 1957 to the present day. Unconditional Positive Regard is the third volume in this impressive series, in which another distinguished international collection of theorists and practitioners lead the…
Carl Rogers' Therapeutic Conditions: Evolution, Theory and Practice traces the evolution and application of Carl Rogers' necessary and sufficient therapeutic conditions from 1957 to the present day. Volume 2: Empathy. What is empathy? Is it a basic human characteristic? Is there a biological basis for it? How does it work in therapy?…
Carl Rogers' Therapeutic Conditions: Evolution, Theory and Practice traces the evolution and application of Carl Rogers' necessary and sufficient therapeutic conditions from 1957 to the present day. Volume 1: Congruence. Genuineness, transparency, authenticity and realness are all terms used to convey Rogers' concept of congruence. This book is the first to specifically…
As the title Beyond Fear and Control suggests, this book aims to move services away from responses based on fear and assumptions that we need to manage and control young people who self harm. It discusses ways in which services can change the focus from managing or 'stopping' self harm…
Read a review from Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies Journal, December 2012: http://bit.ly/10ufKdu A new analysis of the hearing voices experience outside the illness model resulted in accepting and making sense of voices. This study of 50 stories forms the evidence for this successful new approach to…
This title will be printed and dispatched directly from our print-on-demand supplier. Your book will be delivered within 7 working days. The first edition of Implausible Professions, published in 1997, foretold many of the core issues around therapy ‘professionalisation’ that have come to dominate the field in recent years as…
During the last decade, as public awareness of the role of therapy has increased, so too has criticism of specific approaches to therapeutic practice. In this book, Dr Spinelli examines the assumptions of his profession. He argues that in seeking to cure, heal, educate, free and change the client, in…