Carl Rogers: The China Diary

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ISBN 978 1 906254 50 6 (2012)
Cover Price: £14.00
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This diary, under the title "My Trip to China", was written by 20-year-old Carl Ransom Rogers during his six month journey to the Far East in 1922. This never-before-published diary reveals intimate details of the religious faith, cross-cultural interactions, and emerging ideas on relationships, leadership, social injustice, and education of a man who was to become one of the world's most influential psychologists. Within its pages readers can share in the wonder of the journey that Rogers himself in his later life called "an absolutely mind-boggling experience". 

List of Illustrations

Maps of the Journey

Foreword by Natalie Rogers



Cast of Characters

"My Trip to China"








Prominent Themes in the Diary



I had always wondered what was in this diary. I now discover a young man who is passionate in so many different ways. He is passionate in his openness to new experience and in his desire to describe everything he sees with scrupulous attention to detail. He is passionate about the people he meets from many nations and cultures and is often astounded by their ability and integrity. He is passionate in his anger when he confronts social injustice and exploitation. Above all he is passionate about his Christianity and is determined to live it fully and without hypocrisy. In this diary we see Carl Rogers the idealist for whom, sadly, Christianity and the Christian Church were ultimately to prove wanting. If this had not been so the world might never have known client-centred therapy and the person-centred approach. God moves in a mysterious way … Brian Thorne, Co-founder, The Norwich Centre, Emeritus Professor of Counselling, University of East Anglia, Norwich

Ninety years after they were written, these pages sparkle with a freshness and frankness that even in the 21st century, seem contemporary … The diaries are astonishingly well written; the narrative is so compelling  and detailed that I could not put it down. It was like hearing the future psychologist Carl Rogers who I knew so well, in the clear thoughts, descriptions and reflections of the boy becoming a man. Maureen O'Hara, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology, National University, La Jolla, CA.

The pages of the diary, typed on the 25lb typewriter that was the young Carl's constant companion on the trip, contain many stories. One is the story of a young man leaving home, a train journey through North America, a long sea voyage to East Asia via Honolulu and travels in Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong and the Philippines … Yet another story, and one that offers much to a young Carl, along way from home, is that of changing landscapes … noting what he sees for the first time and offering evocative descriptions, whether that be a sunrise over Mount Fuji or his thoughts on the way a field is ploughed. Jo Hilton, University of Edinburgh

Jeffrey H D Cornelius-White

Jeffrey H.D. Cornelius-White, PsyD, LPC is Professor of Counseling and doctoral faculty for the Cooperative EdD Program in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis University of Missouri-Columbia, USA. He is also Co-Editor of Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, a former chair of the board of the World Association for Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling and editor of other journals. He is author or editor of about 100 publications, including Carl Rogers’ China Diary (PCCS), two interdisciplinary handbooks on the person-centered approach (Springer), and Person-Centered Approaches for Counselors (Sage). His work usually concerns person-centred and social justice issues in counseling  psychology, and education.

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Jeffrey H D Cornelius-White

Natalie Rogers (1928 – 2015)

Natalie Rogers (1928 – 2015) was a pioneer in expressive arts therapy, leading trainings in Europe, Russia, Latin America, Japan, and the US. Dr Rogers trained and practised as a psychotherapist, and founded the Person-Centered Expressive Therapy Institute, Santa Rosa, CA. She was a full professor (adjunct) at the California Institute of Integral Studies, the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, and Distinguished Consulting Faculty at Saybrook Graduate School. Natalie was an artist, mother and grandmother. For more information about Natalie, her work and links to her father, Carl Rogers, visit

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Natalie Rogers (1928 – 2015)