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This classic text, now in its third edition, is essential reading for those training and embarking on a career in counselling. From its origins in the work and research of Carl Rogers in the 1960s to today's world where myriad forms of counselling are on offer, the person-centred approach…
The central argument of this book is that human conduct, and in particular psychological and emotional distress, cannot be understood by an analysis of individual will, intention or cognition. Conventional therapeutic psychology suggests that we are essentially self-creating and able (with a little help from a therapist) to heal ourselves…
This is the third edition of the very popular Next Steps in Counselling Practice, revised, updated and expanded to accompany today's counselling students on their journey towards qualification. Next Steps in Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice is aimed at the more advanced trainee and continues from where the…
The lives of teenagers and young adults today are increasingly complex; in an ever-changing political, social, ethical and technological landscape, they are having to hold the multiple demands of the education system, finding work and building a career in an increasingly competitive environment, navigating social pressures, maintaining an online presence,…
This book is about working as autistic counsellors and psychotherapists. It is a collection of stand-alone chapters put together by members of the international online collective Autistic Counsellors and Psychotherapists (ACP). It shares their main aims: to tackle the lack of appropriate therapy available to autistic clients and to challenge…
For Robin Shohet and his co-contributors to this book, spiritual practice may be defined as the awareness there is something more to human existence than just us, as separate individuals. A spiritual perspective enables us to make deeper connections with ourselves, and accordingly with each other. We move from the…
The culture of psychiatric diagnosis causes harm. It labels people in distress. It silences them. It takes away their individuality and agency. At its worst, it removes their human rights. It only asks, 'What's wrong with you?' and doesn't ask, 'What happened to you?' It fails to acknowledge…
What is midlife? A point of existential and psychological crisis? The threshold to our inevitable decline into old age and redundancy? A time of emotional volatility, depression and hormonal upheaval? So much of the medical and media coverage would have us believe. In this challenging and uplifting book, humanistic counsellor…
Modern life is tough on young people, and perhaps toughest on the generation whose adolescence and early adulthood has been indelibly marked by Brexit, the Covid-19 lockdowns, war in Europe, economic recession and the mixed blessings of social media. Beneath the looming shadow of the impacts of climate change, Gen…
A counselling qualification can open doors to a wealth of career opportunities in a wide choice of specialist settings. But for the newly qualified practitioner, or those considering a change of pathway, there is little guidance to help them decide their next step. In this comprehensive book, Rick Hughes has…
'Trauma-informed' has become a buzzword in the counselling and psychotherapy arena and the wider worlds of health and social care research and practice. But what does it mean in relation to practitioners' day-to-day work with clients? Susan Dale argues that all therapeutic work should put the client's needs, not…
With a foreword by Dwight Turner. This powerful and disturbing book draws direct comparisons between the plight and fates of African slaves, dehumanised and discarded to sanitise Britain’s trade in human lives and imperial ambitions, and the systemic ‘othering’ of people designated ‘mad’ throughout…