  • Practicing Client-Centered Therapy: Selected Writings of Barbara Temaner Brodley

Practicing Client-Centered Therapy: Selected Writings of Barbara Temaner Brodley

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ISBN 978 1 906254 26 1 (2011)
Cover Price: £22.00
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An edited collection of works by this extraordinary practitioner and brilliant theoretical writer. Barbara Temaner Brodley's writings will serve several audiences: novice client-centered therapists who want to learn how to do client-centered therapy; anyone who wants to learn the first steps of how to be with a client; experienced client-centered therapists who are aware of the depth and complexity of this approach and want to continue exploring theoretical and practice issues; educators who want to teach a clear distillation of Rogers' theory and practice in relation to other theories and practices.

1 Why do I want to be a therapist? Memo to John Shlien
2 A Chicago client-centered therapy: Nondirective and nonexperiential
3 Why are there so few client-centered therapists when so many people around the world acknowledge Carl Rogers’ influence?

The Ethical Foundation of Client-Centered Therapy
4 Ethics in psychotherapy
5 The nondirective attitude in client-centered therapy
6 Client-centered values limit the application of research findings: An issue for discussion

The Theory of Client-Centered Therapy
7 Congruence and its relation to communication in
client-centered therapy
8 Empathic understanding and feelings in client-centered therapy
9 Unconditional positive regard as communicated through verbal behavior in client-centered therapy (with C. Schneider)
10 Personal presence in client-centered therapy
11 The actualizing tendency concept in client-centered theory

Implementation of the Values and Attitudes in an Expressive Client-Centered Therapy
12 The empathic understanding response process
13 Client-centered: An expressive therapy
14 Criteria for making empathic responses in client-centered therapy
15 Reasons for responses expressing the therapist’s frame of reference in client-centered therapy
16 Considerations when responding to questions and requests in client-centered therapy
17 The therapeutic clinical interview: Guidelines for beginning practice
18 Can one use techniques and still be client-centered? (with A. F. Brody)
19 An introduction to the application of client-centered theory to therapy with two persons together
20 Client-centered couple therapy
21 Summary of an interview with Barbara Temaner Brodley: Views of the nondirective attitude in couple and family therapy (Noriko Motomasa)
22 Email to Maureen O’Hara on brief therapy

Distinguishing Client-Centered Therapy
23 Client-centered and experiential: Two different therapies
24 Concerning “transference,” “counter transference,” and other psychoanalytically developed concepts from a client/person-centered perspective
25 Some observations of Carl Rogers’ behavior in therapy interviews
26 Observations of empathic understanding in two client-centered therapists

Session Transcripts
27 Client-centered demonstration interview 2 with Alejandra
28 Client-centered demonstration interview 3 with Alejandra
29 Client-centered demonstration interview 4 with Alejandra

Closing Section
30 Garden of women
Historical bibliography

Barbara had the extraordinary ability to bring clarity to fundamental concepts of client-centered therapy that had become blurred by developments in the field. These writings are a precious source of guidance and inspiration for practitioners and scholars in person-centered therapy and an essential resource for trainees. Beth Freire, Ph.D., Delphos Instituto de Psicologia Humanista, Brazil, and University of Strathclyde, Scotland

Barbara Brodley was a passionate and dedicated client centered therapist, supervisor and teacher for over fifty years until her death in 2007. She was interested in, and energised by the theory and practice of client centered therapy (CCT), and contributed enormously to our understanding of applications of the theory. Her enlivened interest in the Approach is evident in her book, which offers a wonderful collection of her writings ranging from her personal thoughts and journey, through complex theoretical issues, to detailed and valuable help for students and newly qualified practitioners of CCT… Whilst it is evident that Barbara loved to discuss and teach this therapeutic approach, and her book is a tribute to her enthusiasm for it, and for her advocacy for the discipline of this way of relating, there is something inspirational and aspirational for me in her words, ‘When in the relationship with a client I feel free, spontaneous and very happy.’Sue Wilders,  Person-Centred Quarterly, October 2011.

Barbara Temaner Brodley

Barbara Temaner Brodley’s (1932 – 2007) graduate teaching, consultation, international workshop presentations and publications have established her as one of the foremost authorities on the theory and practice of client-centered therapy. Brodley received her Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in Clinical Psychology and Human Development.  At the University of Chicago Counseling and Psychotherapy Research Center, she worked with contemporaries of Carl R. Rogers, including John Shlien, Fred Zimring and Nat Raskin.  Barbara’s writings and her work as a therapist and educator continue to have a profound influence on contemporary practitioners and theorists of the client-centered approach to therapy, which honors the creative, resilient, self-realizing capacities of persons.

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