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The Practical Handbook of Living with Dementia is one of the selected titles for the Reading Well for dementia booklist created by The Reading Agency and chosen by those living with dementia, carers and health professionals.
This book is available at all local libraries in England and Wales.
This wide-ranging book takes a person-centred approach to supporting the person and their families/carers to live with dementia and challenge the stigma attached to the condition. Divided into four parts, it starts with the voices of people with dementia themselves, as they describe their own experience and how they are living with the disease. It moves on to look at how the range of caring and support professions can help people living with dementia and their families plan and prepare for and cope better with their deteriorating condition. It then turns to practical aspects of living with dementia – dementia in the workplace, communication, safety and the role of technology and design in prolonging independence – and day-to-day considerations, such as managing insomnia and eating well. It ends with an inspiring section on the many imaginative ways people with dementia can be helped to discover and continue to enjoy cultural and creative activities that celebrate their lives and promote their abilities.
Foreword – Steven Sabat
Part 1: The voices of people with dementia and their carers
1. The me in dementia – Keith Oliver
2. Poetry and crafting as helpful activities for people living with dementia – Gail Gregory
3. Using poetry to support my granny when she had dementia – Isla Parker
4. The practical realities of caring for a loved one with dementia – Marianne Talbot
5. The challenge of supporting an elderly parent with dementia – Gary Lockhart
6. The difficulties and triumphs of the single carer – Peter Hemsley
Part 2: Caring for people with dementia
7. Dementia and living at home: what can your general practitioner do for you? – Marieke Perry
8. Providing person-centered spiritual care for people living with dementia – Kathy Fogg Berry
9. Early onset dementia – Anthea Innes, John O’Doherty and Helen Rochford-Brennan
10. Open Dialogue: A social network perspective in dementia care – Amy Jebreel, Rachel Butterfield and Robert Freudenthal
11. Values-based practice in dementia care – Toby Williamson
12. Planning now for your future: Advance care planning for people with dementia – Dylan Harris
13. Palliative and end-of-life care in dementia - what would good care look like? – Karen Harrison Dening
14. Palliative care options in dementia – Sascha R. Bolt, Judith M.M. Meijers and Jenny T. van der Steen
Part 3: Supporting people to live well with dementia
15. Nutrition in dementia – Nina Herrington and Deborah Thompson
16. I was finding it hard to eat and drink and got referred to Speech and Language Therapy! What’s that all about? – Dara Brown
17. Alternative treatments for insomnia for those with dementia and mild cognitive impairment – Lisa Austin
18. Being in hospital when you have dementia: Providing person-centred care experiences in practice – Rachael Kelley
19. Validation builds relationships and communication – Vicki de Klerk-Rubin
20. Rapport-based communication: A practical approach to social inclusion and mutual wellbeing – Matt Laurie
21. Dementia in the workplace – Louise Ritchie, Debbie Tolson and Mike Danson
22. Does technology have a role in meeting the care and support needs of people living with dementia and their families? – John Woolham
23. Improving independence, self-esteem and safety with better design for people with dementia – Mary Marshall
24. How can gardening enrich the lives of people with dementia? – Sarah Swift and Margaret Brown
25. Nature's role as a coping mechanism for people living with dementia – Wendy Brewin
26. ‘Finding safety: a monthly Rainbow Memory Café meeting for LGBT+ people affected by dementia – Sally Knocker and Lucy Whitman
27. Supporting people living with dementia from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities – David Truswell
Part 4: Creative approaches to dementia
28. Mindfulness for people living with dementia and their carers – Cath Arakelian, Jonathan Barker
29. Trauma-informed yoga for older people living with dementia – Josephine Norrbo and Eleonore Wesén
30. Improvisatory movement and dance for family carers and others – Richard Coaten
31. Frames of mind: Bringing memories to life with stop frame animation – Bo Chapman and Zoe Flynn
32. Digital life story work with people living with dementia – Kathryn Barham
33. Music therapy in dementia care – Ming-Hung Hsu
34. Poetry: Telling it like it is – John Killick
35. The magic of paint – Susan Liggett and Megan Wyatt
36. Teleplay: Approaches to digital clowning for dementia care – Richard Talbot and Claire Dormann
37. Dementia-friendly museums: How cultural activity benefits people with dementia, carers and communities – Rosie Barker and Louise Deakin
38. ‘Our friends can’t believe all the things we’re doing’: The role of culture in supporting people to live well with dementia – Nicky Taylor and Gabrielle Hamilton
Afterword – Julian C. Hughes
‘A rich recipe of ideas and thoughts on how to enable others to live with dementia. As we all should know, one size doesn’t fit all, and this book offers the holistic support for which many would be grateful.’
Wendy Mitchell, author of Somebody I Used to Know and What I Wish People Knew About Dementia
‘A brilliant example of what can be achieved when those living with dementia, their carers and specialists collaborate… an important contribution to the literature of dementia and person-centred-care.’
Rod Kersh, consultant community physician, Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust
‘Far too often, people living with dementia and their carers are left with nothing to tell them how to move forward. This unique, invaluable book succeeds in filling the void.’
Nori Graham, emeritus consultant in the psychiatry of old age, Vice President of the Alzheimer’s Society
Isla Parker is a pen name. Isla is a freelance editor and writer who promotes the understanding of health issues and wellbeing. She undertook a degree in English and found it interesting to study how literature explores illness. This led to Isla writing a novel about anorexia for teenagers called Size Zero?, which is loosely based on her own experience. Isla has also co-edited The Practical Handbook of Dementia. In her free time Isla enjoys playing the piano. She also takes part in an online writing group that has introduced her to writers from different countries.
Richard Coaten is a dancer and registered dance movement psychotherapist (RDMP) with the Association for Dance Movement Psychotherapy, where he was a Director on the Governing Council 2013–2016. He has spent the past 16 years working clinically as a DMP in an NHS older people’s psychiatric ward in West Yorkshire and in day centres. He is a national and international specialist in non-verbal, movement and dance-based practices with people living with dementia. He completed a doctoral thesis on dance movement psychotherapy and dementia from Roehampton University, and delivers workshops and conference presentations in Canada, the US and Europe, supporting the training of the next generation of DMPs. He has much published work to his credit and is on the editorial board of the peer-reviewed international journal Dementia. He also sits on the Board of the Creative Dementia Arts Network.
Mark Hopfenbeck is social anthropologist specialising in health and social policy, an assistant professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), visiting fellow at London South Bank University (LSBU) and individual partner at the Collaborating Centre for Values-based Practice in Health and Social Care, St Catherine’s College, Oxford University. At NTNU, he teaches mindfulness, is a member of the Relational Welfare research group and is involved in the development of a reflective group approach to support inmates’ wellbeing and reduce isolation within prisons. For the past 15 years, he has been teaching and supporting the implementation of the Open Dialogue approach. He is currently co-investigator on a large-scale programme of research into crisis and continuing mental health care within the NHS (the ODDESSI study) and is on the advisory board of an international collaborative study to evaluate the effectiveness of Open Dialogue in various contexts around the world (the HOPEnDialogue project).